Reset RainLoop Admin Password

Edit the file
inside the rainloop directory.

Set the password to “12345”
; Login and password for web admin panel
admin_login = "admin005"
admin_password = "12345"

Reach your rainloop web page adding
at the end of the url

When you’re in, change the password to the desired one.

Adding NRPE to CentOS 7 Host

Here is what you’ll need to do to enable NRPE on your CentOS 7 Hosts.

sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install -y nrpe nagios-plugins-all nagios-plugins-nrpe

Then we’ll nee to edit /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg

allowed_hosts=,::1,<your server IP here>

Now our Nagios server will be able to connect and run the default commands. You can search the nrpe.cfg for command[check_users] to find where all the commands are defined and either tweak or create your own commands.

Also ensure that you have added nrpe to your firewall configuration.

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=nrpe
sudo firewall-cmd --list-all

Graylog 3 and Failed Elasticsearch Indices

Let’s start by listing all of the current ElasticSearch Indices. From a command prompt on the Graylog box run the following:

curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v"

Output should look something like this:

 health status index     uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
 green  open   graylog_1 U7XiaZBtT1-ZSFiZ8Afr2A   4   0    5566409            0      4.2gb          4.2gb
 green  open   hq1_0     zt6Yqo7AQAqP2OwR1hF3wg   4   0         81            0    185.7kb        185.7kb
 green  open   graylog_0 s33oBg-xQ52Y8OAPFDd-8Q   4   0   20000169            0     14.7gb         14.7gb

Now we’ll have to delete the failed Indices by running the following commands:

  curl -X DELETE "localhost:9200/graylog_1" {"acknowledged":true}
  curl -X DELETE "localhost:9200/graylog_0" {"acknowledged":true}

Now we’ll restart Graylog and Elasticsearch

  sudo systemctl restart graylog-server
  sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch

Now re-list the indices:

curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v"

And you should see your new indices running.

health status index     uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
   green  open   hq1_0     zt6Yqo7AQAqP2OwR1hF3wg   4   0         81            0    185.7kb        185.7kb
   green  open   graylog_0 H2vvP2QtQGig6ZKnXr9StQ   4   0        266            
   0    774.8kb        774.8kb 

Active Directory Account Lockout Alerts via Powershell [Update]

In my organization we were trying to figure out an easy way to use Built-In Windows tools to be alerted when a user locks out their Active Directory account. By using Task Manager Event based tasks and some powershell scripts I was able to build a solution that is feasible when dealing with a small number of domain controllers.

You can grab the files from my GitHub repository.
UPDATE added features:

  • Ability to select smtp server based on local subnet (for easily deploying across sites)
  • E-mail sent to user whose account is locked (if E-mail present in AD)
  • File attached to admin alerts with failed login events (assists in troubleshooting, especially if your DC isn’t easily accessible)



Script that you will run when event 4740 is Triggered:  get_ad_locked_account.ps1

Script you can use to force an account lock event to test with: lock_account.ps1

Instructions PDF for setting up the Task Manager Event based task: Alert_on_AD_user_account_lockout

First Create a basic task



Next we will assign the trigger to an Event



Then we will assign the event the following parameters – Log: Security; Source:Microsoft Windows Security auditing; Event ID:4740



For the Action we will choose to run a program.  You must run Powershell.exe and in the Parameters put -file “path to script”



That is it, you should get a summary of your settings and your good to go!
